Sunday 9 August 2015


Homemade Mango Shrikhand

SUMMER is my favorite part of the year. It is bright, sunny ,bubbly and full of energy and positive vibes. Also, it is associated with the delicious and scrumptious seasonal fruit .... The tastiest, yummiest, most delicious fruit ever ... Yes it is MANGO!!!
I can be 100% accurate in stating that it wins the "yummiest fruit" competition luxuriantly. 

The summer season has come to its end this year and what's the better way to bid farewell than to celebrate its vigor and vibrancy with a dish made of Mango , and indulge in AamSutra (Mango pleasure).

Hence, I tried my hands on "Mango shrikhand" .

Shrikhand has a unique taste and an amazing texture. It is like a "desi custard"!!! Till I tried it myself, I thought it would be too difficult to make it at home . However on the contrary, it is very easy and can be made easily at home with minimum ingredients.

If you are like me ,who loves shrikhand but is not satisfied by the packaged shrikhand in the market; here is an easy to make recipe for your own Mango Shrikhand 


  • 1 1/2 (1.5) cup hung curd
  • 1 Mango - chopped
  • 3-4 Cardamom crushed
  • 1/4 cup of Sugar or Sugar to taste
  • A pinch of saffron


       Serves 4
  • Hang around 500g of curd at home using clean kitchen cloth until most of the water is drained. This would give about one and half cup of hung curd.
  • Grind the chopped mango until paste of the mango pulp
  • Grind the sugar 
  • Soak a pinch of saffron in little bit of milk to get the bright yellow color and for its enhanced fragrance
  • crush 3-4 cardamom to powder
  • Grind mango pulp, sugar, cardamom powder and soaked saffron together using a mixer.
  • Mix the paste with hung curd by hand until completely mixed, to get the perfect texture.
  • Finally, garnish with a few strands of saffron and freeze for some time (At least half an hour) before serving.


The taste of Mango shrikhand differs highly on the quality and type of Mango used.
Ripe Alphonso or Langda or Malda variety of Mango if used, gives the shrikhand a great taste.


Mango Shrikhand of Hangyo (A company from Mangalore, Karnataka) is delicious , and one should definitely try it.